These are comments I have made on my peers blogs. I have also linked their blogs here.

Hi Deanna,

The experiential approach is a great way to learn. Like you I learn best when I can experience the learning firsthand through more authentic ways. You mention that learning through experience, more links are created and I agree with this. I find things to be more concrete after using manipulatives or doing an action when learning. Your story is a great example for this type of learning, it reminds me when I took a very beginner course about rocks, but I can still make those connections of defining them due to having labs where we spend hours looking at the rocks. Your example of tasting food is an example I have not thought of because when I think learning it’s more school based but your food example is one, I can use to teach others about this learning theory that everyone can relate/ make that connection to.

Hi Emily!

Shelley Moore is a great resource for inclusive education. She is not only insightful but very entertaining to listen too. She is definitely one of my go to resources when I want to learn more or just want to be reminding on some topics. I like how after watching the video you have the learners discuss about what they just watched through a conversation café. Allowing for collaboration not only lets them reinforce but also share what they took away. I also liked how you have prompts ready so if this was taken to use with other teachers, we could use it right away! I also like how you would provide immediate feedback so our ideas throughout the workshop would be enforced and not just left there after watching the video.